Monday, September 4, 2017

BAÑOS (Ecuador)
View of Baños from above the statue of Virgin Mary on the Sendero de la Virgen (Path of the Virgin)

The local hotpools are right next to a waterfall
Fresh goats milk

Swings at Casa del Arbol (The Tree House)

Delicious empanadas de viento (wind empanadas)

Making melcocha - a very sweet and extremely chewy candy
Candy stands at the bus station

Ruta de las cascadas (waterfall route) - by bike

Luckily these guys had a bike large enough for me to hire

El Diablo (The Devil)

Crawl space to get in behind El Diablo

A day on the fringes of the Amazon

Woolly monkey at a wildlife refuge near Puyo
Capuchin monkey

Margay (Felis wiedi)
River trip

Indian village kids dancing

Fire ants
Jungle swing